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Biophilic Design: Making the Workplace Livable


By: Dr. Chesley Black

Vice President & Head of Workplace Management, Americas Region

Humanity has always been connected to nature. Frank Lloyd Wright, 著名建筑师,他的美学将自然世界与设计融入周围环境的建筑融为一体, once said “study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.“绿色植被、自来水和自然光对我们的日常健康至关重要. 无数的研究表明,接触自然元素可以提高认知能力, reduces stress, improves overall health, and ultimately makes people happier, healthier, and more productive. 将自然元素引入工作场所是一种趋势,最早是在20世纪80年代由环境理论家爱德华. Wilson. 1995年,亲生物设计的第一次测试在赫尔曼米勒制造工厂进行. 该设施融入了许多自然元素,包括自然采光和更多的室外景观. 这不仅对工厂的能源账单产生了革命性的影响, but also on the workers, 谁更喜欢户外世界,更喜欢暴露在自然光下. Productivity doubled and retention soared.

So What is Biophilic Design?

At its heart, 亲生物设计的中心是将自然元素融入工作环境. 它包括环境特征,如绿墙或水景, natural shapes, patterns and forms, and light and space. Its impact on well-being is profound, reducing blood pressure and stress, and increasing short-term memory. 在工作场所接触自然元素也被证明可以促进积极的情绪——67%的办公室职员报告说明亮, 自然采光的办公环境加上室外的色彩让他们感到快乐. 该研究还发现,员工甚至从虚拟现实的数字自然表现中受益.

Biophilic Blog Art

As we return to the office, 雇主们正专注于如何把他们的员工吸引回来, and workplace design that stimulates, motivates, 而创新是必须的——不仅仅是为了商业成功, but also the well-being of staff."

Dr. Chesley Black

Impacting Commercial Real Estate

Clearly, 健康建筑设计的应用已成为可持续发展的必要因素. 商业建筑正在转向采光, operable shading, nature views, green spacing, 加强过滤,改善室内空气质量, 增加新鲜空气和自然光的吸入, 改善通风,使工作场所更安全, healthy, and enticing place to be.

As we return to the office, 雇主们正专注于如何把他们的员工吸引回来, and workplace design that stimulates, motivates, 而创新是必须的——不仅仅是为了商业成功, but also the well-being of staff. In a Human Space global study, one-third of 7,接受调查的600名办公室员工表示,办公室的设计会影响他们在一家公司工作的决定. 《亿宝彩票app官网》(Harvard Business Review)进行的另一项研究发现,对员工来说,户外空间和自然光的景观比公司内部的自助餐厅更重要, fitness centers, and even childcare. 但亲生物设计的好处并不局限于员工:植被景观、自然光和户外空间可以将工人的生产率提高多达12%,从而加快交货时间,提高产量. 采用亲生态设计的办公室比不采用亲生态设计的办公室少请近20%的病假. Overall, 在采用亲生物设计的环境中,员工的幸福感要高出15%.

亲生态设计也会影响办公空间的感知价值, as well as the savings it can generate. 研究发现,增加植被的使用来改善整体美学,可以使空间的感知价值增加约7%. 这与在日益激烈的人才争夺战中更大的招聘成功有关, because for many candidates, a clean, 包含自然元素的健康环境意味着公司关心环境和员工. 自然光的使用也会对能源成本产生巨大的影响,因为它可以取代空间中部分或全部的人造照明. 这可以使整体能源成本降低50%到80%. In addition, 亲生物设计可以通过减少有毒和挥发性有机化合物来改善室内空气质量,通过植物去除这些元素作为其自然功能的一部分.

How Can 亿宝彩票app Help?

Biophilic design is not a new trend, 但随着工作场所进入新常态,办公室必须提供健康的, safe, and engaging environment, 热爱生命提供了一种让员工与外部世界保持联系的方式, healthy, 在公司赢得人才争夺战的同时,还能提高生产力.

As an integrated facilities solutions company, 亿宝彩票app can assist an organization and its architects or space planners in understanding how biophilic design impacts a facility’s energy usage; enhances operations, cleanliness, hygiene, and efficiency; and aligns with or advances wellness initiatives in food programs. 亲生物设计的目标是创造一个环境,将自然世界的压倒性优势带入办公室, making it a more appealing, livable space. 我们熟练的亿宝彩票app官网专家队伍拥有丰富的经验,可以在将您的员工与工作场所联系起来的同时,保持这些非传统设计带来的好处, think, and give.

About the Author

Dr. Chesley Black

Vice President & Head of Workplace Management, Americas Region
